My Work

What I do

I have experience in all stages in the software development lifestyle, and like to work across a variety of skill areas.

UI/UX Design

I generally use Moqups and Bootstrap prototypes to create quick designs, based on a variety of modern principles.

Software Development

I mainly program using Java, but have experience with a variety of other languages including Python, C#, Lua and PHP. I am highly familiar with concepts surrounding object-orinetated programming and their implementations.

Web Development

I have experience in both frontend and backend development for websites, including API development using Spring.

Game Development & Modding

I enjoy doing small scale game based projects, including modding (mainly for Source based games).


Having completed standalone qualifications in SQL database design & development with Oracle, and modules in NoSQL development as part of my degree, I am well-versed in this area of development.

Requirements Analysis

A proper analysis of what a client needs to get from a finished product is both the earliest and perhaps most important part of a project.

Software Testing

Testing was a strong focus area throughout my degree, and I do enjoy putting work in to ensure code is robust, secure and functional. Familiar with an array of test methodologies including unit testing.

My Latest Work